Choose Immigration Program

How to Choose the Right Canadian Immigration Program

Canadian Immigration has many options that you can apply to. Not all programs are created equally and it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you.


While there are many options to immigrate to Canada, it is important to remember that all programs result in the same thing, Canadian permanent residence. You might be wondering: what is so great about being a Canadian permanent resident?

As a Canadian PR, you are free to live and work anywhere in Canada. You are welcome to work in any occupation you choose, for as long as you wish. Once you are a Canadian PR you can sponsor a new husband or wife and even your parents and grandparents!

We will feature profiles of prospective newcomers to Canada and how they achieved their Canadian Immigration goals. If you want Canadian to help you achieve your immigration goals, get in touch with us today by completing a free online assessment:

Canadian Experience Class

Ravi is a 33-year-old who came to Canada to complete his Master’s degree. Since most international students who attend formal schooling in Canada are entitled to an open, post-graduate work permit, (equal to the length of their program of study to a maximum of 3 years) Ravi has been working full-time for a Canadian company for the past 14 months.

Based on Ravi’s experience in Canada, he would be an excellent candidate for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program. The intake of applicants for CEC is controlled by Express Entry. If an applicant wishes to apply to CEC, they must submit an Express Entry application BEFORE they can be invited to apply for CEC.

Quebec Experience Class

Lydia, originally from a French-speaking country, was transferred by her company to their Montreal, Quebec offices. Lydia fell in love with the Quebec way of life and decided she wanted to stay here permanently. After having worked on a restricted work permit for 12 months, Lydia decided to apply for Canadian Immigration. Completely fluent in French, what is Lydia’s best option to stay here permanently?

Since Lydia is working in Montreal, Quebec and is fluent in French, her best option would be to submit an application under the Quebec Experience Class. The Quebec Experience Class is an accelerated Canadian Immigration program run by Immigration Quebec. It is the Quebec equivalent of the Canadian Experience Class program.

Quebec Experience was created with foreign workers and students in mind, who have graduated in Quebec or are studying towards graduation. It is important to note that the Quebec Experience Class is NOT the same as the Quebec Skilled Worker program. In the Quebec Skilled Worker program, an applicant does not require French language ability or experience in Quebec.

Lydia has accumulated over 12 months of work in Quebec, has a valid work permit and is fluent in French. This is what makes her an ideal applicant for this program.

  • The Quebec Experience Class

Quebec Skilled Worker

Having completed his Bachelors of Nursing Degree from the Philippines, Jackson now works in the Middle East as a staff nurse. While Jackson is making a decent salary for the past 4 years, his wife and children are back in the Philippines. Jackson has never visited Canada but has always dreamt about starting a life there. Jackson wants a home where he can earn the salary he deserves while also having his family with him. What option is best for Jackson?

The Quebec Skilled Worker program prioritizes nurse (among other types of applications). With 4 years of work experience already under his belt, Jackson should excel in the QSW program. He even receives additional points for his young children being included in his application.

  • Quebec Skilled Worker Program
  • List of Diplomas that are Prioritized for Quebec Immigration
  • Child Bonus and QSW

Express Entry

Kim has an uncle and sister who live in Canada. Kim’s uncle tells her that having a relative in Canada can help her apply but Kim hasn’t ever visited Canada before. She thought about doing her Bachelor’s degree in Ontario, where her uncle and sister live but in the end she stayed in her home country to complete her education. After having worked for several years, Kim gives Canada a second look. What Canadian Immigration program would take advantage of Kim’s relatives in Canada and also award her Canadian permanent residence?

From what we know about Kim and her background, she sounds like the Express Entry program is the right program for her. Having a relative in Canada (other than a spouse) does not make you eligible for Express Entry. That said, having a close relative in Canada will boost the points on your Express Entry application, increasing your chances of being invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

Express Entry is the most popular and talked about Canadian Immigration program out there. We won’t get into the details too specifically in this article but if you would like to know more about this exciting Canadian Immigration program, check out our video below:

Spousal/Family Sponsorship

Omar has a longtime partner who is also a Canadian citizen. They met when they were both on vacation in Australia and are planning their wedding soon. Omar wants to be with his partner in Canada but he needs to work to support his finances and he is unable to obtain a Canadian work permit.

When you are in a common-law, conjugal or spousal relationship with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, your best option is spousal sponsorship. Unlike a skilled worker application, all you need to demonstrate when applying for spousal sponsorship is that the relationship you have with your Canadian spouse is genuine.

There are two categories of spousal sponsorship applications; inland sponsorship and outland sponsorship.  Which category of sponsorship you can apply for depends on where in the world you reside.

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